8 exercises for a broad chest and strong shoulders

Stomach in, chest out! These are the best broad chest and stable shoulders strength exercises for an impressive hero look. Plus: You also improve your posture

If you want to appear self-confident, you can’t avoid having the right posture. Walking upright signals confidence in your own strength, both at work and on the street. This requires a stable core and a strong chest , back and shoulders . With a trained upper body, you can also take more: the large pectoral muscle surrounds the shoulder joints from the front like a cap, stabilizing them and thus preventing injuries. In the long term, poor posture is harmful to your spine, shoulders, hips and knees.

We have put together 2 training plans and 8 broad chest and strong shoulders exercises for you that specifically train these muscle groups and help you achieve the best posture grades. You can do this 7 Exercises Everyday to Stay Fit

1. For the stomach and shoulders: barbell rolls on the floor

  • Kneel down, lift your toes slightly. Place your hands on the barbell, shoulder-width apart, and position them below your shoulders. Build up body tension (and maintain it the whole time).
  • Roll the dumbbell forward to the point of greatest tension, then return to the starting position in a controlled manner.
  • 15 to 20 repetitions

Option 1: Adjust the intensity

+ Roll the dumbbell down in 3 sections and hold each position for 3 seconds. Do the same.
 Place the tips of your feet on the floor. This relieves the pressure on your knees and gives you more stability.

Option 2: Deactivate training equipment

Instead of the barbell, place your hands on a vacuum cleaner and roll it back and forth. The tighter grip also puts additional strain on your triceps.

2. For the lower back: trunk rotations with medicine ball

  • Place the medicine ball on the floor. Kneel down so that it is behind you. Straighten your back and rotate your hips anti-clockwise. Place your left hand, then your right hand, on the ball.
  • Turn your hips in the other direction, then briefly put both hands down as described above. Always turn your head.
  • 12 to 15 repetitions per side

Option 1: Regulate the intensity

+ Do the exercise with the ball in your hands and tap it briefly on the floor behind your back.
 Put the ball away! Stand upright and clasp your hands behind your head. Rotate your hips in a controlled manner.

Option 2: Deactivate training equipment

Replace the medicine ball with a large, round fruit, such as a watermelon or a coconut. Perform the exercise as described.

3. For back, thighs and buttocks: squats with barbell

  • Grab the barbell from above, slightly wider than shoulder width apart, lift it over your head and place it behind your neck. Your legs are shoulder width apart and your back is straight.
  • Keep your lower back straight. Lower your upper body until your knees are over your toes. Hold briefly, then return.
  • 8 to 10 repetitions

Option 1: Adjust the intensity

+ count to 10 on both the downward and upward movements. This puts additional strain on the muscles.
 Use a multi-press. The machine dictates the exact movement sequence, which makes it easier.

Option 2: Deactivate training equipment

Remove the handle of a broom and attach an orange net to each end. Then grab the handle from the outside and perform the exercise as described.

4. For the lower back: trunk lift with rotation

  • Place your feet on the platform of a hyperextension bench, leg pads at calf height, hip pad at the pelvis. Clasp your hands behind your head, bend your upper body forward.
  • Slowly straighten your upper body, turning to the side. Hold briefly, then return to the starting position.
  • 10 to 12 repetitions

Option 1: Adjust the intensity

+ Slowly lower your upper body into position B. Hold the position briefly, then bring your upper body back down cleanly.
 Do not turn your upper body to the side. Just lift it as shown in figure A.

Option 2: Deactivate training equipment

Lie down on the bed. The upper body is horizontal, the edge is at the pelvis. When you lower your body, your feet and legs remain on the bed (it’s best to have someone hold you).

5. For the chest and triceps: push-ups on the Swiss Ball

  • Place your hands shoulder-width apart on the ball. Get into the push-up starting position: feet hip-width apart, arms stretched out. Consciously keep your body tense and your back straight.
  • Bring your upper body as close to the ball as possible, hold briefly at the lowest point. Slowly push your arms through again.
  • 10 to 12 repetitions

Option 1: Adjust the intensity

+ Raise one arm and the opposite leg – this also trains your balance and coordination skills.
 Replace the Swiss ball with a weight bench. Thanks to the increased stability, you have to balance less.

Option 2: Deactivate training equipment

Support yourself with both hands on the edge of a table top (do not hold on to the edge). First, place a damp, slippery cloth under each hand.

6. For the back and biceps: standing rows with dumbbells

  • Pick up 2 dumbbells. Then stand on the left leg and stretch it out. Bend the right leg slightly. Bend the upper body forward until it is horizontal. Stretch the arms downwards.
  • Bend the back leg a little further. Pull the arms up until the dumbbells are at hip height. Hold briefly.
  • 12 to 15 repetitions

Option 1: Adjust the intensity.

Stretch your arms backwards in position B and bring them back towards your body – this strengthens your shoulders and triceps.
Don’t bend your right leg, but stand on both legs. Feet parallel, about hip-width apart.

Option 2: Deactivate training equipment

Instead of dumbbells, grab 2 shopping bags with tear-resistant handles. Fill them with cans until they are about as heavy as you want them to be.

7. For the shoulders: shoulder press on Swiss Ball

  • Lie on your stomach on the ball. Your back is straight and your head is above the ball. Place the tips of your feet on a 5 kg weight plate on the floor. Your back and pelvis are straight.
  • Move your arms forward slowly and in a controlled manner. Hold briefly at the maximum extension, then slowly return.
  • 15 to 20 repetitions

Option 1: Adjust the intensity

+ lift one leg. Due to the greater instability, you will need additional strength to perform the exercise.
 Swap the ball for a weight bench. Thanks to more stability, you can fully concentrate on stretching.

Option 2: Deactivate training equipment.

Place 2 water crates next to each other and pad them with pillows. Place a bottle in each hand and lay face down on the crates (your hips should be level with the edge of the front crate).

8. For the shoulders and neck: shoulder press with barbell

  • Grab the barbell from above, slightly wider than shoulder width, bring it over your head and place it behind your neck. Your feet should be about shoulder width apart. Keep your back straight.
  • Press the dumbbell up over your head, stabilizing your torso. Hold briefly, then slowly return.
  • 10 to 12 repetitions

Option 1: Adjust the intensity

+ Move the barbell in quarter steps to the end position. Hold all 4 positions for at least 3 seconds.
 Start in position B. Move the barbell back to the top of your head. Your upper arms are horizontal.

Option 2: Deactivate training equipment
Instead of a barbell, grab your packed gym bag. Grip the outer edges of the bottom with your palms. Bring it over your head, then back.

With these broad chest and strong shoulders exercises you can improve your posture with minimal effort. You will notice the effect that walking upright can have on your charisma and appearance. Do you want more exercises? 

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